Thursday 8 December 2011

We lit up Rudolph's nose!

We had a Design and Technology Challenge this week! 
Make a circuit inside a box, with a switch to make Rudolph's nose light up! The children have been learning how to make switches from paper clips and split pins, and also from aluminium foil. The groups chose different ways of incorporating these into their designs, have a look and see!
We chose the tin foil switch to put on our Rudolph design. - Sarah, Elliot and Georgia

We  understood what to do and did it sensibly, and used our imagination . We used the paper clip because was better. - Emilie, Naomi and Kaylea

We opened the box with our thumb and then we turned it inside out and then we put the bulb in the middle of the box and we did a Rudolph  face on it and black and grey snow and snowflakes on it . - Kia Aeron and Josh

We made a woolly jumper for Rudolph  so he would look handsome.We used  tinfoil  and card to make a switch.William Wesley Natasha .